LOOK Patriots get another favorable ruling on TD catch and everyone is very angry

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The got a ma sive break in Week 15 when a would-be game-winning touchdown reception by tight end was ruled incomplete. It was the right call, but the rule that caused it was very annoying and Graham Knott Men Jersey people got very upset about it because no one likes the Patriots to have nice things. You can only imagine the reaction when it happened again in Week 16 against the .Actually, wait, you can see the reaction, because people freaked out about it on social media. It started when Buffalo got into the red zone late in the first half against the Patriots. Kelvin Benjamin doesn't get credit for the TD catch. Had his foot and toe scrape but not given po se sion during that brief time. Ian Wharton (@NFLFilmStudy) According to Alberto Riveron, the NFL VP of Officiating, Benjamin did not have Cam Ward Women Jersey control by the time his foot left the ground. In , when Kelvin Benjamin gains control, his left foot is off the ground. The receiver only has one foot down in bounds with control. Therefore, it is an incomplete pa s. -AL NFL Football Operations Tanner Kero Men Jersey (@NFLFootballOps) Don't read the replies there unle s you love reading swear words. The folks who saw that tweet weren't the only ones who disagreed with the call. There were plenty of folks who believed the Pats were getting a good deal on the play in question. Only thing I can think of is theyre gonna say the ball moved as Benjamin took his right hand off the ball but nah, that was a TD. Mike Garafolo (@MikeGarafolo) Wow. Amazed that Benjamin TD was overturned. Bobby Orr Kids Jersey Didn't not appear to be "clear and obvious" enough to overturn. They've turned TD's into 3 act plays. It's unbelievable. Matthew Berry (@MatthewBerryTMR) Benjamin TD stands against any team other than the Pats. Meli sa Jacobs (@thefootballgirl) Al Riveron, Patriots MVP. This is unbelievable!!!! Or very believable!! How can anyone prove that Benjamin's back foot wasn't grazing a blade of gra s? Joe Starkey (@JoeStarkey1) We need to get Gene Steratore out there to try to swipe an index card under Kelvin Benjamin's shoe. Michael Hurley (@michaelFhurley) Kelvin Benjamin with an obvious touchdown to anyone with eyes. But it's against the Patriots, and Glenn Hall Kids Jersey you know how these work. Jason McIntyre (@jasonrmcintyre) Here is the bigger problem: the guys in New York are spending too much time examining the nitty gritty of each play, breaking down the granular details of whether not a play was succe sful. regarding the Buffalo no touchdown, nothing more irritating to an official than to make a great call and then someone in a suit in an office in New York incorrectly reverses it. It is more and more obvious that there isn' Michal Kempny Women Jersey t a standard for staying with the call on the field. Mike Pereira (@MikePereira) The refs should be able to make a call on the field and then, if something was obviously and/or horribly wrong, overturn it. There should not be some 20-minute breakdown and then a gue s as to whether or not Olli Maatta Men Jersey a play was ruled correctly. There is just too much being decided by inconsistent decision makers in New York when it comes to the outcomes of football games at this point. Even if the ruling was ultimately correct, there needs to be more decided on the field.
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